Squeaky, Splashy, Mesmerizing Colorful Bubble Bath

It’s a myth that parenting is just limited to mere giving birth to a child, truly it’s a much more subjective term and when it comes to Child Care, parents who are educated, health conscious, inclined towards good brands leave no stone unturned to ensure that everything is in line & length. It may pertain to skin care, bathing, upbringing and so on.
I & my peppy love are too choosy when it comes to using which brand toiletry products for our little bundle of joy. We both are glued with the tag line “Necessity is the mother of invention”. I and my peppy love, whenever we are on some international vacations, we are curious to hunt something out of world for our chubby cheek, so that he has a safe, comfortable and fun bathing experience. Once on an international vacation, while roaming in the market, we reached a shop with banner outside “when you need me, I am a complete package”. Out of curiosity we entered the premises and my heart went lalala. It was Newbies shop. We enquired about child care products, clearly specified should have goodness of essential fruit extracts and vitamins for skin nourishment and moisture control, they recommended us to use toiletry products of brand “CARRIE Junior”. I must say the experience was mind boggling. When we used the brand for the first time, Choo Choo was delighted by the fruity fragrance, sparkling colorful bubbles, juggling with the slippery surface of bath tub. Kissing, fondling and cuddling with squeaky bubbles and foam of soap as they are the most comfortable companions of kids because the moment they try to squeeze them, they vanish and kids love this activity. They try to pull themselves up and try to stand in the tub. We can’t stop them trying this but at least we have to ensure the safety and prevention. Most important is to stay with kids at all times, when they are in the bath.
Here are some useful tips for our Tiny Tot’s bath.
Tiny Tot’s Bath Routine: It’s an accepted fact that after taking bath, our body feels relaxed and energetic so do happens with little ones. Their skin is more sensitive so they are more prone to skin diseases. Therefore it’s recommended that our little bundles should take bath at least once a day depending upon the climatic conditions.
Tiny Tot’s Bath Place: Bath place should be type of an enclosed room but well ventilated, hygienic and should have an optimum space to keep kid toiletries. A neat & a clean bathtub is to be used for bathing.
Safety precautions to be followed while Tiny Tot’s Bathe:
- As no age is as big for kids, that they can manage on their own. First and the most important thing is that we must ensure that all the things are on place before bath, so that while cutie is taking bath, we don’t face a panicky situation and won’t have to leave him/her alone.
- Recommended for all the kids to take bath in a water tub to avoid slippage & must put some toys in tub so that they enjoy bathing time to the fullest.
- We must check water temperature before bathing and usually recommended to use lukewarm water for kid’s bath.
- Remove clothes with utmost safety and care, slowly & gently one by one.
- Slowly and firmly lower kid in bath tub and hold him/her well.
- Make yourself seated in a comfortable position and then slowly splash some water on the child.
- Apply only recommended body wash with unique fragrance and goodness of Fruit extracts with essential vitamins for kid’s skin hydration and nourishment.
- Ensure no spill of water around tub as it can cause slippage.
- Let the kids use their full energy, use their hands to move water like waves and enjoy their colorful bubble bath experience.
- Once the stages of bath are complete, the last stage should be hair shampooing. Normally kid shampoo irritates kid eyes, so it should be kept last.
- Very firmly and gently take out the little one of the tub and use a clean & soft towel for body wrapping.
- Just squeeze the excess water from body and check for any skin rashes.
We have to step into their shoes to make kid’s bathing experience enjoyable. Anticipating potential dangers and taking safety measures will go a long way towards preventing suffering of child and providing a safe and healthy environment for little bundles of our joy.